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Security Patrol

The vast majority of our budget funds our neighborhood’s Houston Police Department patrol.

The STMCA contracted with these HPD officers beginning in 2012. Since that time, we have seen the crime rate in our neighborhood drop to almost zero. For the past three years we have had either one or two reported crimes per year. The HPD officers patrol our neighborhood during the day Monday through Friday and on random nights during the week. Our officers are always in uniform in their personal vehicles with light bars flashing.

Vacation watch of your home by the patrol is available for dues payers. The neighborhood patrol phone number is (713) 585-6657. We encourage all neighbors to add this number to your phones. In the event of any crime or suspicious activity our patrol officers ask that you please notify the patrol so that they can document it and be aware of crime activity in our neighborhood. One of our patrol officers can come to your home and file a police report for you even if it is the next day. If you have a neighborhood concern when they are not on duty, please call the patrol and leave a message. They will call you back when they return.


The majority of our dues goes toward paying for our patrol so please add their number to your phone contacts and call them or stop by their vehicles and chat with them.

Unlike neighborhoods with a private security patrol, we think it is a distinct advantage to have an HPD patrol as they have more power to investigate and mitigate any incidents that may occur. 


Information about the HPD off-duty patrol program

The Houston Police Department (HPD) patrol program for off-duty officers is authorized by the HPD General Order # 300-14 for Extra Employment.


HPD allows employees to hold extra employment when off-duty and with specific conditions and restrictions. Extra employment shall not interfere with an employees performance of official duties as an employee of the City of Houston or cause conflicts of interest between the City and the Extra Employment entity.


HPD employees that work Extra Employment jobs should:

-obtain an Extra Employment permit number

-complete Extra Employment Permit application

-be approved for Extra Employment by their supervisor

-have required and applicable training and be in good standing with HPD


Extra Employment Coordinators:

-serve as administrative liaison between HPD and officers

-ensure officers are paid directly and individually by the Extra Employment entity

-are responsible for recruiting officers in good standing with appropriate training

-are responsible for overseeing and maintaining time sheets and patrol logs

-are responsible for maintaining work schedule/coverage for Extra Employment entity


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